Human resources, better known by its abbreviation HR, is all about people. How people are managed, motivated, engaged and given the opportunity to achieve their organsational goals and objects. Leadership At Work’s Ballarat and Geelong HR training and consulting aims to help organisations maximise the output and morale of their workforces.

Most employees go to work to do a good job and develop within the organisation. Leaders need to facilitate that objective through effective HR practices. There are two sides to good HR practice. Firstly, HR processes must be in place and working well to achieve compliance, and secondly, engaging staff in these practices. When you have your people on board with your vision, values and what you want to achieve, you will achieve real productivity gains.

At Leadership At Work, our Geelong and Ballarat organisational development training and services include HR audits and compliance, development of HR processes and equal employment opportunity and HR training. We believe effective HR practices are a key ingredient of organisational development. Leadership At Work can also provide organisational development consulting.

Our HR auditing process can help you identify your gaps and introduce new processes to ensure compliance, clarity in the organisation and encourage innovation. Staff engagement is the next logical step in our HR consultancy. Once people feel communicated with, valued and encouraged, they are much more likely to buy into where the organisation is headed and what they can do to help it get there. That’s where ensuring you have the right HR skills, and knowledge in key people around management and leadership is critical.

At Leadership At Work, our HR consultants are here to help you with building these skills through the HR consulting and training service offered from our Geelong and Ballarat locations. Our eight-day Leadership at Work management and leadership development program can be run in-house and offers practical, hands-on tools. Based around an individual’s action plan, it is designed to have real impact in the workplace immediately.