Problems, as we know, are invaluable opportunities for both learning and improvement!


Provided we use rigorous methods for solving them, they do not return!

Wherever variation occurs in a process, out of specifications results will also likely occur. At a recent Root Cause Analysis session I facilitated we discovered 38 possible causes to a problem occurring in a food processing plant. The multi departmental problem solving team eventually narrowed it down to the two most likely causes and using data analysis eventually discovered the root cause.

The Team used all of the 10 Problem Solving steps listed below. These same steps have been applied to countless problems over several decades with very impressive results.

The key step, as is often the case, was the Getting The Facts Stage. The Team recognised the importance of gathering and sharing facts throughout the entire process and have now built up a valuable data base for use should the problem ever reoccur.

Not only was the particular problem solved but the organisation is now well equipped to head off any problems into the future.

Leadership At Work has now developed an online tool called Problem Buster so clients can DIY when future problems occur.

We are still available to facilitate on site workshops but can also supply the total Problem Busting program for a fraction of the cost.

For further information, please click here. You are also welcome to call us directly to discuss Problem Buster or any of our Leadership development products and services.


Robert J Re

Robert J Re & Associates
34 Loch Avenue, Ballarat, 3350
Call (03) 5331 3650
Mobile 0418 518 667